Natural Farming is Taking Root

Archangel School in Rochester, NY was established in union with and under the guidance of the authentic Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church to impart a Christian education to students in the practice of Christian Virtues, to the fullest development of each child's personality through the training of the will, development of moral and intellectual powers, and coordination of social skills.  As recommended in the Papal Document Familiaris Consortio, educators will bring students toward their gradual maturing as children of God, temples of the Holy Spirit, {and} members of the Church.

It is our task to assist parents in their role as first and primary educators of their children by giving special attention to the formation of a perfect educating community, modeled after the virtues of the Holy Family in Nazareth, through and with the intercession of the great Saints of the Church especially those devoted to the work of education, including St. John Bosco, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. John Baptiste de la Salle, St. Bridget of Sweden, Pope St. Gregory the Great, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, as well as those Christian leaders who have a special attachment to the Diocese of Rochester such as Bishop Bernard McQuaid, St. John Nepomucene Neumann, and Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen whose examples we hope to imitate and communicate to all who come in contact with our educational facility.

We will do as the Second Vatican Council enjoins and work in the promotion of human formation in young people and to develop in them a capacity for sound judgment made to introduce pupils to the cultural heritage bequeathed to them by former generations (Vatican Council II, Christian Education).

About Archangel School

Our Founders

Archangel School was founded in 1992 by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Macaluso. With the closure of many nearby Catholic Schools in the 1990s, the Macaluso's felt there was a growing need in the community. They wanted to continue to give the children of their community a chance to have a traditional Catholic education.

The Macaluso's had many challenges in the beginning, as it is a daunting task to create a school from nothing but hope. Luckily, they had many supporters and the guidance of God. They began with an enrollment of twelve students, but faced transportation issues, so when the doors opened in September of 1992, they had two committed students. It was a minor setback that may have left others doubting, but the Macaluso's pressed on.

Over time, as the student population expanded, the school outgrew its humble beginnings. The school has moved from Buffalo Road to St. Jude's on Lyell Road to Stanton Lane in Irondequoit to East Rochester. In the Fall of 2014, God brought us to our new permanent home on Chili Avenue with the purchase of the former Washington Irving School Building. We have grown to include a high school program,  extracurricular sports, a robotics club, and technology education classes.

Throughout our growth, the Macaluso's have insisted on one thing, that tuition is to remain affordable. No child should be denied a Catholic education.

We are very thankful to the Macaluso's, their supporters, and the tireless work of so many people who have worked to make Archangel grow into the school it is today.


Are you interested in a position at Archangel School? You can submit an application for employment here!